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Are AEW Dark and Elevation growing?

As I write this, we are coming off AEW’s second highest number, I want to continue to look at how the numbers on Social Media show growth or decline in a product. AEW Dark and Elevation are both YouTube only shows, and we need to look at their YouTube channel to see if these shows are growing or declining.

Let us look at the last few weeks numbers for both Dark and Elevation.

AEW YouTube subscribers 2.11 million

Let us look at Dark first.

23/03/2021 Ep81 – Views 374,057 – Likes 7,500 – Dislikes 224 – Comments 1,328 – Length 1:39:12

30/03/2021 Ep82 – Views 331,252 – Likes 6,800 – Dislikes 243 – Comments 1,288 – Length 1:32:51

06/04/2021Ep83 – Views 278,580 – Likes 4,800 – Dislikes 169 – Comments 1,097 – Length 1:16:57

13/04/2021 Ep84 – Views 290,542 – Likes 6,000 – Dislikes 176 – Comments 1,036 – Length 1:35:16

Total – Views 1,274,431 – Likes 25,100 – Dislikes 812 – Comments 4,749 – Total time 6:04:17

So, from this it does look like Dark is declining in all sections which is surprising.

Now let us look at look at Elevation.

15/03/2021 Ep1 – Views 1,165,482 – Likes 23,000 – Dislikes 907 – Comments 4,030 - Length 2:01:11

22/03/2021 Ep2 – Views 458,471- Likes 10,000 – Dislikes 316 – Comments 1,665 – Length 1:25:21

29/03/2021 Ep3 – Views 1,044,451 – Likes 15,000 – Dislikes 672 – Comments 2,050 – Length 2:24:54

05/04/2021 Ep4 – Views 424,068 – Likes 8,100 – Dislikes 260 – Comments 1,254 – Length 1:37:13

12/04/2021 Ep5 – Views 509,911 – Likes 8,300 – Dislikes 276 – Comments 1,568 – Length 2:27:20

Total – Views 3,602,383 – Likes 64,400 – Dislikes 2,431 – Comments 10,567 – Length 9:55:59

So, this makes it look a bit all over the place, which considering we have only had 6 episodes it is still finding it’s feet and its audience.

So are Dark and Elevation growing or declining. Well Dark has defiantly declined in views this is clear in the total engagements. Elevation it is too early to tell however that said I am writing this on the day Episode 6 aired and it has been on YouTube for 12 hours and only has 174,747views and that’s with Kenny Omega as the main event, it’s not a particularly good sign for the growth of the brand or the shows.

This week’s latest episode of BTE has done 119,000 views for a comparison, also that is trending down a lot too.

There has been a bit of talk about the shows being too long, I have thought this too as I find myself skipping matches or even entire shows. But looking at the Dark run time vs views that does not seem to be the case. For Elevation it seems the longer the episode the more views it gets however it’s too early to see.

So, some worrying engagement for AEW especially when their competition is doing very high numbers.

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