It's been a relatively quiet month for the Women's division, with the World Champion not doing much. The big news has been the first TBS champion Jade Cargill being an excellent fighting champion, Serena Deeb's growing into the arrogance of her professor role, and the slow burn of the chip on Leyla Hirch's shoulder.
Here is the Attribute Matrix I used to rank the prominence of the women of AEW over the past month:

#1) Jade Cargill
Last month #1, TBS Champion

Power-ups: Defending her TBS title week in and week out, in entertaining wins, not just in squashes, or against established top talents. An entertaining back-and-forth bout against the debuting AQA proves that she no longer has to prove she's not too green for her role.
Power-downs: Nothing! Jade is killing it!
#2) Dr. Britt Baker, DMD
Last month #3, World Champion

Power-ups: World Champion
Power-downs: ducking Thunder Rosa before she even got ranked, and in the process alienating her own muscle--Hayter by bringing in Mercedes, Mercedes by criticizing how she went about it
#3) Serena Deeb
Last month #9, Professor

Power-ups: Professor of pain
Power-downs: seems to be avoiding competitive matches
#4) Leyla Hirsch
Last month not ranked, Legit

Power-ups: intriguing new chip on her shoulder
Power-downs: honestly, I'd rather root for her
#5) Thunder Rosa
Last month not ranked, La Mera Mera

Power-ups: Seems to have the World champ running scared
Power-downs: weakness to lead pipes
#6) Red Velvet
Last month not ranked

Power-ups: Involved in an intriguing program with Leyla Hirsch
Power-downs: Leyla Hirsch is the intriguing part
#7) Nyla Rose
Last month not ranked

Power-ups: Got her win back from the Runaway, Ruby Soho
Power-downs: No direction
#8) Anna Jay
Last month #8

Power-ups: only participant in last month's bloody tag match to connect that to what they are currently doing, claiming that it changed her
Power-downs: not enough to Slay the TBS champion
Note: every other participant in that match was ranked last month, but only one made the rankings this month, and did not build on that notoriety. I hope that the rewards for their sacrifices are merely delayed and not forgotten
#9) Julia Harrrt
Last month not seaworthy

Power-ups: eyepatch
Power-downs: eyepatch
#10) Kris Statlander
Last month not ranked

Power-ups & downs: see Velvet, Red