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Writer's pictureCraig William

AEW Rankings vs PWM's League Standings - 29.11.19

Each week both AEW Official and PWM release content ranking AEW wrestlers. AEW uses a subjective model informed by statistics (much alike PWM's Power Rankings) whereas PWM uses a sports-inspired league standings model with a +1/-1 system. One point for a win, -1 for a loss. In this article we are going to examine both side by side and highlight the differences and similarities.

Male Singles

PMW Male Overall

PWM Male 1 on 1

Jon Moxley as number one is a similarity between the two systems. The PWM system does rank Moxley more strongly as we count all matches and don't recognise unsanctioned matches as a different situation.

Having Pac at second is defensible. However his loss this week was costly and sees him with more losses than Cody and MJF. Additionally Omega has a better recent record.

Kenny Omega moving up to third is a bit premature. Cody still has a better record and won this week as well. Mjf could arguably be ahead after two wins in a row and the destruction of Cody.

Cody in fourth is an interesting one. He still has good stats and in a purely statistical model he should be higher. However when we start examining with subjectivity, Cody is a broken force and now seems hard to place in the AEW landscape.

MJF in fourth could be contestable by some as he has not wrestled a huge amount of matches. However in his limited competition so far he has great stats and is two for two in one on ones. Additionally his influence in growing with his influence on Cody, his Diamond Dozen win and now that he is backed by Wardlow.

Female Singles

PWM Female overall

Female Singles 1 on 1

Hikaru Shida is pretty much unchallenged at the top. Britt Baker did not compete and despite the fact Sakura won, she is significantly behind Shida. Although Baker jumps Shida Overall, Shida still leads in the far more pure competitive rankings of 1 on 1s.

Emi Sakura finds herself towards the top of the rankings once again. She has leapt about Baker somehow into second. This is questionable as Baker is far and above her in our more statistical rankings. In fact, in Female Overall Standings Baker is 2nd only to Riho. Additionally Sakura has negative differentials for both.

Baker's position in third is a little harsh. She could arguably be top but should at least be second.

Nyla Rose in fourth is fine. With few women's matches and few women being given a chance to build momentum Rose in fourth is accurate.

Bea Priestley is a tremendous wrestler and should be used by AEW. However her position n fifth encapsulates the issue with these ratings. There is no reason fro her to be ahead of Hayter or Shanna, statistically. This is too subjective or indicative of their intention to push her.

Tag Division


Proud and Powerful are probably the strongest tag team besides SCU out with SCU. The reasoning for this in the AEW Rankings AEW are unclear!

The Lucha Bros dropping after a terrible week makes sense. The Young Bucks have decent stats.

Private PArty deserve to be on the list over the Dark Order as they haven't wrestled for a while.


See the stats in detail here.


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