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AEW has a habit of booking in weekly pairs: one week is a lot of setup and character work while the following week is all the matches they’ve hyped up. There’s nothing wrong with this approach, of course, as AEW excels when it comes do their character work. This week was certainly a storytelling week and boy did AEW knock it out of the park again. But sometimes it’s hard to do rankings like this after such a storytelling focused week. So did these rankings change at all? Let’s find out…


What has Matt Sydal been in AEW? A solid pair of hands and a great veteran presence. But a main eventer? Or even an upper mid carder? Probably not. But after 15 minutes with Kenny Omega… I actually caught myself thinking AEW should give Sydal a TNT Title run. That’s what Kenny Omega does. He’s like an elite point guard in basketball, he just flat out makes everyone around him better. There is no one on earth, for my money, who can do this as well as Kenny Omega. People talk about how certain wrestlers can have a five star match with a broom, Kenny Omega actually did it. His wrestling alone makes him the best in the world. Add in some great promos and a really compelling three dimensional character and you’ve got a guy I could watch for two hours a week and never get bored.


Yes I’ve done it: Mox and King will be paired up in these rankings. My suspicion was AEW was going to write Kingston off for a little while to let Mox continue a singles feud with Kenny Omega. But rather than do that, we now have a full on group vs. group storyling with Mox, King and the Bucks being matched up against Bullet Club. I cannot wait for this (and I wonder if we’re going to get a second go at Blood and Guts a year after the original match had to be scrapped). The reason I’m so excited is Mox and King’s chemistry in promos and matches is unmatched. They work so well together and their promo work is elite. The more these guys talk, the more I’m invested in what they do and that is not a skill possessed by most wrestlers in the world today.


Suddenly Laredo Kid is involved now?? As if Death Triangle couldn’t add in more elite wrestlers, here comes the AAA Cruiserweight Champion and one of the best wrestlers in North America. Much like Kenny Omega, these guys don’t even need to have characters to be in the top five in these rankings but thankfully, they add in great physical charisma and the addition of Alex Abrahantes as Penta’s translator is a pleasant surprise.

4) MJF

I’m in awe every week at how good MJF is. He’s so effortlessly unlikeable and yet I can’t not love what he does. He’s the quintessential “love to hate him” guy and he thrives in that role. I can’t wait to see what he has in store for the entire Pinnacle and if MJF is involved, you know it’s worth seeing.

5) FTR

The top faction in AEW for the last 18 months has been the Inner Circle where Chris Jericho did most of the talking. Now you have the Pinnacle and it seemed like it would be more of the same with MJF playing the role of Jericho. But what we’ve got is actually better. MJF has ceded some of his mic time and what a good decision it is. FTR have shown how great their promo game is; when you combine that with their elite in-ring skill, you’ve got the best tag team on planet earth.


The Bucks are just behind FTR in almost every way. The two teams are 1 and 1a in AEW. The Bucks’ style isn’t consistent even though they’re the best at it while FTR’s is. The Bucks have clear charisma on the mic but not quite as much as FTR. The Bucks have now developed great characters but not quite as good as FTR’s. I’ll never be disappointed to see the Bucks anywhere doing anything, but it seems inevitable they and FTR will collide once again.


How great is Doctor Baker as a character? She’s well beyond the most compelling character in the women’s division. She’s now one of the most compelling characters in AEW regardless of character. It’s nearly impossible to believe Baker went from the most bland uninteresting baby face in the company to now one of the most compelling heels in the world. Her promo game is excellent and she showed how great she is in the ring last week; put the title on her immediately.


As great as Britt Baker is as a heel, Thunder Rosa is the perfect baby face compliment. These two were grown in a lab to be the perfect feud. Rosa is what AEW needed in the women’s division. As bland and boring as Shida has become, Thunder Rosa is as compelling a baby face as you’ll find. AEW continues to knock it out of the park since Revolution with the women’s division and now is the time to kick it into high gear.


Speaking of the perfect baby face… Darby Allin plays his role perfectly. It’s unfortunate that his style precludes him from having as many matches as Cody Rhodes when Cody was the champion because Darby’s matches are always some of the most enjoyable. I hope his feud with Scorpio Sky continues as Darby slots into the baby face in peril role perfectly.

10) MIRO

I debated on many different names to fill this final slot. Ultimately, Miro is such a phenomenal talent and feels like he’s just on the brink of a breakout run. He’s a believable monster and his constant swings between calm funny streamer and unhinged brute is strangely compelling. Hopefully his upcoming tag match with Chuck & Cassidy will set him on the singles route.


INNER CIRCLE: Simply put, they’re not around. When they come back, they’ll be back in the rankings. But for now, the oldest faction in AEW is giving time to the new talent and it’s a great decision.


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