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AEW Revolution - Internet Wrestling Community Preview

Welcome to Pro Wrestling Musing's IWC AEW Revolution Preview!

Below you will find preview graphics complete with statistical insights into each competitor's wrestling style thus far in 2020. This is followed by a selection of AEW enthusiasts predictions on what will happen at the PPV.

This is the first edition of this type of article so your feedback would be very valuable. DM @PWMusings with any suggestions or to highlight positives you would like to see continue.


AEW World Championship Match - Jon Moxley vs Chris Jericho (c)

Alex Regla - @AlexMRegla - Throwdowns

This may be the toughest match on the card for me to predict. In one sense, I can see Chris Jericho retaining simply when considering how on fire his current run has been. From his promo work, shining some light on the company's younger prospects in T.V. matches, down to crowds across the country singing along to his entrance music. Admit it, you have too. I feel like there is so much more juice left to be squeezed with him as champ and everyone else in pursuit. With that said, if Jericho beats Jon Moxley, I do worry about who the next #1 contender would be. The company does have several babyfaces that would be worthy/have an interesting program with Le Champion, but their most realistic and serious options feel like they will be tied up with other angles coming out of Revolution. And unless a guy like Lance Archer is immediately pushed into the title program, AEW's other, younger options do not feel ready. I can definitely envision some shenanigans take place and Jericho sneak this one out and for this program to continue, but I think from a logistical balance of faces/heels on the roster, the company will give Mox the gold.

Winner - Moxley


Jon Moxley has easily been the most dominant wrestler in AEW. On the way to an all but unbeaten record he has taken out the likes of Kenny Omega, PAC, Joey Janella and Darby Allin (twice) and also holds the record for the fastest win in the company's history. However in Chris Jericho he comes up against a very different wrestler. What Jericho has lost in athleticism he has more than made up for in veteran cunning. Le Champion knows as well as anyone that he can't beat Mox in an even fight, so instead he first tried to dodge Moxley and when that failed has sought to dismantle Moxley piece by piece. Of course Moxley has steamrolled over each obstacle placed in his road however at every point Jericho has managed to exact a toll, slowly breaking his rival down to the point where the most dominant wrestler in the company was barely able to escape his last match with the win. I predict all of this will come together at Revolution and using every ounce of experience he has, Jericho will survive Moxley and hold onto his championship by the skin of his teeth.

Winner - Jericho


Shane Doyle - @GlobalForceGold -

Both are almost neck and neck when it comes to dishing out and taking punishment. Moxley's pain tolerance will be tested as Jericho loves cranking in those submissions, and he'll have to keep his cool when Jericho inevitably starts slowing things down and posturing. Jericho capitalises on mistakes, and if Moxley lets his anger get the best of him he'll just find himself taken down again. Taking into account Jericho's striking stats, Moxley is going to batter Le Champion when it comes to fisticuffs and striking. That's going to keep Jericho within arms reach and on the back pedal, where he'll be more inclined to resort to cheating when backed into those corners. Within that closed space is where Moxley is able to hit his finishing moves though. Both men know each other well enough to be educated on effective reversals and defenses for finishing maneuvers, so Moxley will have to have a good game plan to get Jericho to a point where he can hit Dirty Deeds. But remember, Moxley usually preempts the DDT with a strike, and his strike game is high. Moxley out-numbers the champ when it comes to pin attempts, and this is vital. Jericho will have to avoid these as even something as simple as a lateral press, under all those bright lights and the heat from both wrestlers, is going to sap his energy rapidly. I hope Jericho has invested in a good cardio regime, because that strategy, mixed with Moxley being a glutton for punishment and being no stranger to longer matches, may be a key to a Moxley victory. Jericho does have the champions advantage; Moxley has to beat Jericho, and that plays into Jericho's passion for cheating and his Inner Circle having his back. If it gets too close, Jericho and his posse will have no concerns with getting DQ'ed or counted out. Is that going to effect Moxley's game plan going in? It's a tough to call, but seeing as Moxley doesn't have any established back-up of his own, I say it comes to down to Jericho taking the title back home.

Winner - Jericho


MagsOnSport - @MagsOnSport

Mox may look better in a lot of areas, he may dominate for 99% percent of this match but against Le Champion you have to be perfect from bell to bell, Jericho just needs one Judas Effect. Mox takes a lot of offence, but he can't take Y2Js elbow.

Winner - Jericho


Gareth - @RHWGareth

This one is very hard to predict as both are so over and both on such a hot streak. But I'll go with Mox. The momentum is with him and Jericho's run has been very good. One way to ruin that may be by having the most over guy in the company beat him. That said, it's been so well booked that either way isn't a bad outcome.

Winner - Moxley


Ryan Nietzey - @HitTheBooksPod - Hit the Books Podcast:

With this being Chris Jericho's first AEW singles match of the new years and Moxley's 6th, obviously it's slightly tough to tell inside this promotion. However, compared to Jericho NJPW match, we can see that what Jericho has his dirty tricks and his submission game. No one can outstrike Moxley, not eve Jericho and the numbers prove that.

If Jericho wants to win, he's going to have to bid his time with distractions from the Inner Circle and try to get Mox to tap out. Or will Mox be able to overcome all of the Inner Circle at one time and knock out everyone and win the AEW Championship? I think he can. It's an uphill battle certainly but Moxley has proven that he's nothing if not determined to win.

Winner - Moxley


Mickey - @MarksAnonymous - Marks Anonymous Podcast

Both of these guys are over big time. However I think Jericho goes over here. The inner circle is still being booked as a dominant heel stable and would lose too much momentum with the AEW title.

Winner - Jericho


Dan - @DanSpursQuins

Jericho to win. His gimmick is still brilliant and there are many other stories for MOX to go after. Plus MOX only has one eye.

Winner - Jericho


All Elite Kyle - @KylePrescott - AEW: All Elite Wrestling Discussion / AEW Official Discord / All Elite Hour Podcast

I got Mox winning but I also can't shake the feeling that Jericho is retaining somehow. If Mox loses then I don't believe it's going to be a clean victory for Jericho whether it be via Inner Circle interference, a surprise debut attack on Mox, etc.

A lot of people have said it would make sense for Mox to lose here and win in a rematch at Double or Nothing but I believe it would be more poetic for Mox to walk in Double or Nothing at the same ppv and arena he debuted at one year ago as the AEW World Heavyweight Champion.

Winner - Moxley


BigShowEsq - @BigShowEsq - Mark Anonymous Podcast

Hats off to Chris for again re-inventing his character and anchoring this show in its infancy. But at this point, his character feels so big, I’m not sure he needs the belt and honestly it just feel time for a shift, maybe even a paradigm shift. See what I did there.

Winner - Moxley


Tim Morehouse - @TimmayMan

Moxley brings powerful strikes while Le Champion has a variety of submissions (and dirty tricks). Jericho's inaugural run has been great, I'll be sad to see him without the belt, but it's Moxley's time on top.

Winner - Moxley


Dee - @aewinfo

Though Moxley seems to be more reliant on his strikes, I think Jericho is better and more experienced in his submissions. I see Jericho retaining in this match up.

Winner - Jericho


Ryan Cooke - @WrestleCast_ssm - WrestleCast Radio

The build for this has been fantastic. It's so good that I think they have taken out the thought that it's not two former WWE guys, but two of their top guys. The inclusion of Santana to this also has been awesome as we were able to see a new star for there as well with his backstory and new persona. As much as you could slap the gold on the babyface here, I just think Jericho has so much more to offer as your champion that you need to ride it out. Moxley loses nothing either as this build has elevated him regardless of the outcome. I also trust this booking team to make sure the finish is handled in a way also Mox stays red hot in a win or loss.

Winner - Chris Jericho


Craig Leask - @PWMusings -

Jon Moxley is the hottest competitor in the business as we head into Revolution. In 2020, he returned to NJPW, reclaimed the IWGP US championship and retained it twice. At the same time, he has amassed 6 victories in AEW and heads the AEW singles division by 3 wins over his nearest competitor. Chris Jericho has had a very different 2020. 'Le Champion' has only competed in one singles match in 2020 and that wasn't even in AEW. Jericho has won two tag matches in AEW this year and defended a chance at the AEW championship in Japan. Is this well-rested or out of practice? In an elite level of competition one would have to think this is a tactical blunder on the part of Chris Jericho. One perhaps born out of arrogance or complacency. When we examine the statistics, the stat that jumps out as interesting or unexpected is that Moxley tends to take more offence than he dishes out! In fact, out of all the AEW wrestlers who have competed in 1v1 singles in 2020, Moxley has the 5th highest rate of offence against him out of 23 competitors. Looking at pure quantity, Moxley has taken almost twice the amount of offence as anyone else in 2020 in 1v1 singles competition. Most offence taken - Moxley 208, 2nd Pac 120. This match will come down to how well Chris Jericho has prepared. Moxley can take punishment but is carrying a heavy load from his start to 2020. For me? Chris Jericho retains, he's the master tactician. I believe Jericho has prepared effectively and will eventually break Moxley's seemingly unending supply of resilience.

Winner - Jericho

Jon Moxley 6 - 8 Chris Jericho


Cody Rhodes vs MJF

Alex Regla - @AlexMRegla - Throwdowns

Let me preface this by saying holy shit the build to this match. After a disappointing start to this angle in my opinion, the last three weeks of this storyline have been exceptional, but also basic storytelling that has hit an emotional chord and played a huge part in the current momentum the company has. Everyone wants to see Cody get his hands on MJF, and that is exactly the feeling we should have. Yet, a single clean win over him would feel partially anticlimactic given all that has occurred. This feud has all the makings of a longer program, eventually leading to some sort of gimmicked match as a blowoff. I would keep an eye on a potential Arn Anderson turn here, or some other tomfoolery to take place to give MJF to cheap win. If there are any two guys worthy of AEW's first multi-month feud, it's probably this one. It's a risk, but I feel the company has proved able to hit it out of the park when it comes to long term booking thus far.

Winner - MJF


Really this match shouldn't even be a competition, as the last few months have shown MJF isn't even a quarter of the man Cody Rhodes is. However as the stats show MJF is a wrestler that has a knack for picking up wins regardless of how skilled his opponents may be. The key to it all is that number of fouls and while ten lashes and a cage match may not be enough to put Cody off his game, aggression aimed at his wife Brandi will. MJF knows Cody as well as anyone on the AEW roster so somehow, somewhere amongst the chaos of a Cody Rhodes match, MJF is going to sneak his way to a win and I think Brandi will be the key to it for him.

Winner - MJF


Shane Doyle - @GlobalForceGold -

This one seems like Cody has it in the bag due to his experience and passion, but when you look at the stats MJF has the advantage. MJF will want to avoid getting into a fist fight with a clearly angry Cody, and he'll want to keep his distance to avoid Cody's various springboard moves and his spectacular moonsault. This is where MJF's main battle will be; getting close enough to land those grapples and submissions without incurring Cody's fiery wrath. MJF is no stranger to cheating though, and I think that is how MJF solves that conundrum. Cody will want to find an opening in his MFJ's cockiness to land those devastating strikes and dives. He'll need to keep an eye on Warlow too but he is has plenty of back-up to keep him at bay. He also had the edge on defense, and the Cross Rhodes is an easy move to transition into, making for a swift finish at any time. I think MJF will ultimately take it though, as he has been free to prepare for this match for weeks whereas Cody will be aching (both physically and emotionally) from the past moth of transgressions. Cody's temper might just be his own downfall so I predict a crash and burn for Rhodes in this one.

Winner - MJF


MagsOnSport - @MagsOnSport

He's better than Cody and he knows it. MJF is the much better grappler with submissions to wear down Cody's already battered body. A little less conversation and a little more action from MJF with less time taunting and more time double crossing makes for a victory for him.

Winner - MJF


Gareth - @RHWGareth

I don't know exactly how, but MJF will surely be cheating to win here. We don't want a repeat of Shawn Spears and whilst Spears took the loss to serve Cody's story, it's about time he did the same for someone else in AEW in a major match.

Winner - MJF


Ryan Nietzey - @HitTheBooksPod - Hit the Books Podcast:

Cody is the Ace of AEW. MJF is the Shitbag of AEW. These opposing forces will clash n a barnburner of a southern style match. Does MJF have the endurance is my question. He can put away his opponents quite easily with some excessive taunting, but against the opponent with the caliber of Cody, it might be too much to handle.

However, Cody has run the gauntlet. I've seen him overcome his fear of heights to take down Mr. Mayham. He has all the tools of the trade. But all it takes is one mistake for Cody to lose it all again. In Cody's biggest losses, it's always been one mistake. Can Cody do it or does MJF have something else up his sleeve?

Winner - MJF


Mickey - @MarksAnonymous - Marks Anonymous Podcast

This is a revenge match plain and simple and we will certainly see Cody punish MJF for his betrayal.

Winner - Cody


Dan - @DanSpursQuins

The best babyface in wrestling continues his clawing back to the top. Plus I reckon he whips him with a belt as soon as possible.

Winner - Cody


All Elite Kyle - @KylePrescott - AEW: All Elite Wrestling Discussion / AEW Official Discord / All Elite Hour Podcast

I can see both sides of this in either one winning but I believe this has to be a Cody victory. Cody went through all the stipulations and is easily the biggest fan favourite on the roster so you can't just have him go through that and then lose to MJF. If Cody does win, I don't believe this is the end of this feud by a long shot.

Winner - Cody


BigShowEsq - @BigShowEsq - Mark Anonymous Podcast

It’s been a great build to this point but it’s hard to think the guy who got whipped on national television isn’t going to get his ultimate revenge here.

Winner - Cody


Tim Morehouse - @TimmayMan

Wow, look at those foul numbers. MJF proving he'll do anything to win. Cody has the momentum but MJF has a devious mind and will be able to get inside Cody's. Outside interference is almost a given with Wardlow, Brandi, and "The Coach" Arn Anderson at ringside.

Winner - Cody


Dee - @aewinfo

Cody is the more experienced, well-rounded wrestler but MJF is a sneaky competitor who relies on low blows and fouls to win matches. I see MJF taking the win, possibly via a low blow or using Wardlow to help him.

Winner - MJF


Ryan Cooke - @WrestleCast_ssm - WrestleCast Radio

I put Cody here but I checked the box with a sourpuss face the whole time. I just thought it was too soon to do this. Have the cage match on this shoe instead to save for the next ppv, or hell, wait 6 months for them to touch. I just think they jumped the gun having this money feud so quick. Could have headlined a ppv with it and saved a Jericho title match that way. Now I have to say this, like the main event has been built tremendous. I am so invested in this angle it has turned to must see tv for me. Cody has gone from journeyman to the best babyface in wrestling. His angles are smart.m, and everything he touches turns to gold. While I'd love for MJF to win and extend this angle, I see Cody winning just because. Let's hope I'm wrong.

Winner - Cody


Craig Leask - @PWMusings -

Both men have been undefeated in 1v1 singles in 2020, with Cody having wrestled one more of these matches than MJF. Additionally, Cody has spent 10 minutes longer in the ring in these intense 1v1 match ups. MJF also has a tag victory under his belt. Cody has the 2nd best 1v1 singles in 2020, MJF is tied at 4th. Significant differences between the two competitor's performances occur at the high impact end of the scale. MJF looks to hit big grappling slams whereas Cody is always looking for the high-risk all or nothing. The other statistics to point out is taunts and fouls. MJF loves cutting corners and finding any advantage. He also loves rubbing it in his opponents face. The winner? MJF will struggle to impose his current dominating rate of offence on Cody but will find a way to win despite Cody's experience in taking punishment and reversals. Expect to see those high foul rate numbers come into play in a big way.

Winner - MJF

Cody Rhodes 6 - 8 MJF


AEW World Tag Team Championship Match - Young Bucks vs Mega Cowboys (c)

Alex Regla - @AlexMRegla - Throwdowns

I think the data helps tell the bigger story here. The Young Bucks, obviously the more experienced of the two teams, hold advantages in total offense, tags and finishers dished out. They are a finely tuned machine. The Mega Cowboys obviously have impressed, and individually are tremendous workers, but I think the rising tensions between Page and Omega finally boils over here with Hangman turning on Omega costing them the match. Which as I say that feels too on the nose, especially when considering how over Page has gotten with the fans. But, is likely what occurs. I truly do not want this to be end of this storyline as it's been my favorite in maybe all of wrestling at the moment. But, I think the natural and expected next step is an Omega/Page feud. Which will be awesome of course. I just hope it will be able to capture similar magic to what these four men have been able to capture this past month together.

Winner - Young Bucks


The Elite implodes! This is a fascinating matchup from a number of standpoints both physically and psychologically. Firstly from a physical point of view. In 2018 The Young Bucks made a big deal of their supposedly graduation to the heavyweight ranks however looking at these high volume stats tells me one thing only, these boys are still as junior as it comes. They throw a lot but to what effect? On the other side Omega and Page have a couple of heavy hands ready to throw down but while they are hardly lumbering probably do give a little away on the speed side. The more interesting point in this match though is the psychological. Theses are four wrestlers who know each other so well, they have travelled together, eaten together and fought together for countless days, weeks, months and years. What I think it will come down to though is who wants this more and for me, while The Bucks and Omega are potentially distracted by their friendship, The Hangman is as motivated as can be to defend his first ever championship. Over the last few months he has made a point of distancing himself from the men he now sees as his rivals and in the end I think he will be the difference maker, carrying his team to the victory.

Winner - Mega Cowboys


Shane Doyle - @GlobalForceGold -

As well battling the Young Bucks, Hangman Page is going to be battling with Kenny Omega and even himself during this one. He's a conflicted man right now with a lot going on, and those emotions say more than the stats can. Him and Kenny have been a on big hot streak the past two months, and that's in spite of the team's volatile relationship. If Hangman can keep it together, the Mega Cowboys will have a better chance at survival. And "survival" is the correct term, as they're going up against the best tag team in the world (in my opinion). It won't be an easy win for the MC if they manage to squeak out a victory. This one is going down to the wire. If Page manages to hold it together then they'll need to keep their distance in order to avoid the Buck's plethora of strikes and (super)kicks. The Bucks outdo the Cowboys in almost every attribute that counts, which is due to their fluid team work and massive amounts of experience. This plays out in the 'Tags' and "double teams" stat, as the Bucks can haul that over the MC. More tags means more rest, more double teams means more damage. As Kenny has also just gone through a grueling Iron Man match with PAC (in which Matt Jackson forced Kenny back into the ring to beat a 10 count and take more of a beating), the Young Bucks are going to be the most well-rested and more focused tag team. I'd say the only attribute they need to keep a check on is their affinity for Kenny, The Elite and Page, as Page will be more than happy to deliver an unsportingly killer blow if it means victory.

Winner - Young Bucks


MagsOnSport - @MagsOnSport

Matt Jackson said it best, Adam Page was a jobber in ROH before they came along. Now he's done riding their coattails he's having a free ride on Omega, and a one winged angel can't carry that much weight on his back for long. Bucks pin Page leaving the Mega Cowboys like Adam likes his whisky... On the rocks.

Winner - Young Bucks


Gareth - @RHWGareth

This is where we have the most exciting story, in my opinion. Everyone is expecting a turn, particularly from Hangman. But I have a secret hope that Kenny and The Bucks turn. From here you move into a Kenny vs Mox feud which will dominate the year, culminating n Omega becoming champion. Hopefully from there then, Hangman Page, as one of the top babyfaces, is the one to dethrone Kenny. At least, this is my hope.

Winner - Young Bucks


Ryan Nietzey - @HitTheBooksPod - Hit the Books Podcast:

Young Bucks are undoubtedly the best tag team in the AEW locker room. They are just the ones NOT holding onto the belts. Omega and Page have taken a lot of punishment to get here but can that resistance prove to overcome the Jackson's sheer skill?

Winner - Young Bucks


Mickey - @MarksAnonymous - Marks Anonymous Podcast

In tag team wrestling you are only as good as your hot tag. And nick Jackson has the hottest tag in the business. While the Mega Cowboys have some steady momentum going into Revolution, the storied history of the bucks will see them on top.

Winner - Young Bucks


Dan - @DanSpursQuins

Bucks to win. Omega to turn on Page. Elite to be smashed to pieces.

Winner - Young Bucks


All Elite Kyle - @KylePrescott - AEW: All Elite Wrestling Discussion / AEW Official Discord / All Elite Hour Podcast

I've got The Young Bucks finally winning here and becoming the AEW World Tag Team Champions. I think Kenny and Hangman are going to have a hard time staying on the same page here and it will end up costing them their championships. I see Kenny actually turning on Hangman here and not the other way around. I think it's too obvious for Hangman to turn so I believe it's going to be a swerve here and Kenny will attack Hangman after they lose or The Bucks will turn heel and attack them both thus causing The Elite to fall.

Winner - Young Bucks


BigShowEsq - @BigShowEsq - Mark Anonymous Podcast

Mega Powers implode adjace but with better drinking jokes.

Winner - Young Bucks


Tim Morehouse - @TimmayMan

One of the more even match ups according to the stats. Hangman is the wildcard as his loyalty to the Elite, and even his own partner has been wavering in the past several weeks.

Winner - Mega Cowboys


Dee - @aewinfo

This is probably the hardest match for me to call. Yes, the Young Bucks are one of the top tag teams in the world and arguably THE best. But I think they high-flying style will be overcome by Page and Omega's more grounded and traditional style of in-ring work. Should be a very hard-fought, exciting matchup!

Winner - Mega Cowboys


Ryan Cooke - @WrestleCast_ssm - WrestleCast Radio

When this angle got going, I was loving the Adam Page redemption storyline. It had everything you want. Then, just when you didn't think this company could be even smarter, the post match interview happens after their title win, and they turn it into the Kenny Omega redemption. Masterpiece. I never saw it coming. Suddenly, it's all about Kenny and his buddies the Bucks, and Page is left alone on a island. Just like that, they elevated Page to a star. This company and it's plan ahead booking is amazing. It is almost as if they took a piece of Gedo with them when they left New Japan. Page turning on Kenny seems as obvious as MJF turning on Cody. For that, I cant see it happen again. My money is on the Bucks. I feel Page gets the victory and we see the start of a heel turn for Matt and Nick, which would be a great swerve, and also a way to test the AEW fans if they will boo one of their reasons they are here. It's a interesting play, but I wanna ride this train and see where it can go.

Winner - Mega Cowboys


Craig Leask - @PWMusings -

This is the match that I would confidently predict most people are waiting for. The kind of subtler and more realistic story that respects your intelligence, one that VKM would surely add a dancing bear to, just to make it good sh... The Mega Cowboys have taken the AEW tag team division by storm in 2020 and sit atop the division two wins ahead of their nearest competitors. The Young Bucks have had a contrasting year and find themselves 3rd (Dark Order are 2nd in PWM's Wrestling League, based solely on statistics). In pure 2v2 matches the gap between the teams is illustrated in the graphic. Note that the Mega Cowboys triple the Bucks in pure 2v2 tag matches such as the type of match they will be squaring off in at Revolution. However, performance stats add another element to the anticipation of this match. The Young Bucks are a well-oiled machine in the ring. Their stats dwarf that of the Mega Cowboy's. They outdo their less experienced opponents in every meaningful category (a 4 second per hour submission rate is essentially null). With this being said and as the purveyor of wrestling stats, I am going to go against these overwhelming numbers. Kenny Omega is one of the very best wrestlers in the world, on his day the absolute best. However, this match teeters on the involvement of the real 'fastest rising star in AEW', Hangman Adam Page. When Page and Omega captured the titles, it was Page who took the match by the scruff of the neck and laid out both members of SCU and picked up the win. If Page is able to channel his anger and frustration like that again, the Young Bucks will struggle to withstand the Mega Cowboys.

Winner - Mega Cowboys

Young Bucks 9 - 5 Mega Cowboys


Dustin Rhodes vs Jake Hager

Dustin Rhodes is a well travelled veteran with all the courage and guts in the world. However he just isn't ready for the undefeated MMA fighter and muscle of The Inner Circle. This one is easy: Hager will leave Rhodes in a broken heap by the end of the match.

Winner - Hager


Shane Doyle - @GlobalForceGold -

I would say this one is hard to predict due to a lack of any statistical analysis for Hager, but let's focus on what we do know; he's a big guy with an MMA background and a previous pro wrestling career elsewhere. It's easy to argue that he got by in those years on sheer luck, gallant youth and some raw talent, but how much is left? And how much ring rust is there? Dustin has a lot of issues to work out with Hager and I reckon that will spur him onto victory as long as he avoids getting into a grappling match. He'll need to keep his wits about him, and Hager is guaranteed to cut some corners, but if he keeps his focus he should come out on top.

Winner - Dustin


MagsOnSport - @MagsOnSport

Decorated amateur wrestler and undefeated MMA star vs pensioner who paints himself. Come on now folks. Hager inside a 3 minutes.

Winner - Hager


Gareth - @RHWGareth

Dustin is one of my all time favourites of the business. The entire Rhodes family are. And I hated Jack Swagger in WWE. But, with his character of an MMA destroyer, we need to see an extended squash match here with Dustin coming off strong. How cool would it be to see Hager vs Mox at some point for the title? Obviously that's where Hager would take his first loss, but it'd be genuinely intriguing if you build Hager's character right. This should be the start.

Winner - Hager


Ryan Nietzey - @HitTheBooksPod - Hit the Books Podcast:

There is no stat more deadly than Jake Hagar's low blow. Nothing can contain its sheer power.

Winner - Hager


Mickey - @MarksAnonymous - Marks Anonymous Podcast

Jake, Jake, Jake. This will be for sure a squash match setting up a possible Cody v Jake feud in the future.

Winner - Hager


Dan - @DanSpursQuins

Hager to win following a brutal finish to put him over in his first match.

Winner - Hager


All Elite Kyle - @KylePrescott - AEW: All Elite Wrestling Discussion / AEW Official Discord / All Elite Hour Podcast

I think this one is too predictable as you can't have Hager lose his debut match if you want him to be taken seriously. I'm interested in seeing what he will bring to the ring in terms of his wrestling style, etc.

Winner - Hager


BigShowEsq - @BigShowEsq - Mark Anonymous Podcast

Feel bad saying this but it feels like they are gonna feed Dustin to Hager here.

Winner - Hager


Tim Morehouse - @TimmayMan

One important metric is experience, and Dustin has over 30 years of it. Even so, it wont be enough to get past Big Hurt Hager. Combine Hager's physical attributes (strength, speed, technique) with a mind that honestly doesn't seem to be quite all there and you have a dangerous combination.

Winner - Hager


Dee - @aewinfo

Though Dustin is over 50, he's still "The Natural" and in great shape. Hager hasn't wrestled in a few years I believe but he's doing MMA and still young. I think Dustin will put up a good fight but will lose to Hager possibly by a low blow since that seems to be Hager's favorite move!

Winner - Hager


Ryan Cooke - @WrestlCast_ssm - WrestleCast Radio

If you would have told me three years ago this match would be a hot angle on a ppv I would have laughed and said more like WWE Superstars. Hager I'm sure will be rusty, and this might not be the most pretty of matches, but wow do they have the fans hooked. Not a ton to say otherwise, but it goes to show with great booking, anyone can get over.

Winner - Hager


Craig Leask - @PWMusings -

Dustin Rhodes seems like a great guy and a real resource for AEW. Experienced, talented and great to work with he is the perfect veteran to make use of in such a fledgling company. AEW fans and employees alike will be praying the worst does not happen. The worst being undefeated MMA fighter and physical specimen, Jake Hager, decimating Dustin to announce himself to the AEW fanbase and wrestlers alike. Make no mistake the former Jack Swagger will be keen to do this in order to completely rid him of that WWE stink. Hager wins.

Winner - Hager

Dustin Rhodes 1 - 12 Jake Hager


Darby Allin vs Sammy Guevara

The two young guns go head to head in a battle two high flying speed merchants. The pair really are quite evenly matched with The Spanish God having the edge in strikes but Allin having an edge when it comes to countering incoming offence. Guevara will no doubt try and get in the head of his rival however I can't see that kind of tactic working on the resilient Allin. In my mind this is so evenly matched that it will come down to who is hungrier and unfortunately for Guevara he gave Allin all the motivation he would need when he busted Allin's throat on a skateboard. Since then Allin has been single minded in going after Guevara and I think that laser focus will get him the win in a high paced and close encounter.

Winner - Darby


MagsOnSport - @MagsOnSport

Unfortunately for Sammy he'll be getting his wish, Darby will be hitting him up at Revolution. Hitting him upside the head, shoulders, knees, toes and anything else he can find. It's a shame for the Spanish God but with the GOAT Jericho and the muscle Hager busy, he could be in trouble here.

Winner - Darby


Gareth - @RHWGareth

This will be insanely fun. It's very hard to call as these guys are so even. However I feel Guevara needs the win the most. Also, if Jericho is to lose then I wouldn't want to see more of the Inner Circle lose. Very even but Guevara gets the win.

Winner - Guevara


Ryan Nietzey - @HitTheBooksPod - Hit the Books Podcast:

Darby is someone that is able to get it little offense, but in a weird way, he doesn't need that. Well maybe he does to help his W/L record, but alas, what Darby Allin uses to his advantage is will to absorb punishment. Sammy is one that definitely dishes it out. In what is going to be a spectacle of a match, expect Darby to eat up everything Sammy will dish out, so that Darby can shut up Sammy Guevara for good.

Winner - Darby


Dan - @DanSpursQuins

Darby to win with some sort of insane coffin drop to a needle covered table or some such. Match of the night.

Winner - Darby


All Elite Kyle - @KylePrescott - AEW: All Elite Wrestling Discussion / AEW Official Discord / All Elite Hour Podcast

I'm very excited for this one as these two have put on some great matches together in the past on the independent scene and the build has been really fun. I got Darby winning this. Darby is red hot with the fans right now and it would be crazy not to keep building up that momentum.

Winner - Darby


BigShowEsq - @BigShowEsq - Mark Anonymous Podcast

Excited to see the two guys who we think have really emerged as the rising stars of AEW. Think Darby wins but should be a great match.

Winner - Darby


Tim Morehouse - @TimmayMan

Aside from the title matches, this is my most anticipated match of the night. Inner Circle with the edge in fouls once again. Both men are high risk takers, but Darby is willing to take a step just a little further off that edge.

Winner - Darby


Dee - @aewinfo

This is another tough matchup for me to call. Both wrestlers have similar styles though Sammy is a little more agile and high-flying. Darby is more reckless and not afraid to put his body on the line. Sammy seems to be more of a striker while Darby goes for the dives and coffin drops. I see Sammy squeezing out a victory here due to his striking ability.

Winner - Guevara


Ryan Cooke - @WrestlCast_ssm - WrestleCast Radio

Two guys you can consider the future of AEW. While Darby Allin is best served getting over losing, I think he needs to be Guevara, who will loose no steam in a L. Sammy is a prodigy in the ring, and he will go on to be a top mid card guy here, but giving Allin the win in his return helps build the rivalry against Inner Circle.

Winner - Darby


Craig Leask - @PWMusings -

I saw someone criticising AEW's overuse of established stars on Twitter today... This match is the perfect illustration of why that is an over-simplification. You can win the Premier League title win kids but can you build a wrestling company? Probably not. You have to do both and that is what AEW are doing. This match would not have had any right to be on this card 6 months ago but now? Absolutely. Evenly matched in terms of 1v1 singles records this year, Guevara has been chasing Allin's coat-tails all year. Allin has been the breakout star of AEW thus far with Guevara a close 2nd and this is the 'Spanish God's' opportunity to finally overtake Allin (he's not even Spanish...). Expect that to happen. Guevara will dominate this match, just look at the numbers. Darby Allin will be depending on reversals if this unfolds anything alike how these two men have performed this year.

Winner - Guevara

Darby Allin 8 - 3 Sammy Guevara


AEW Women's Championship Match - Kris Statlander vs Nyla Rose (c)

This is a battle of two powerhouses of the AEW women's division. Both Statlander and Rose are used to having a comfortable size and power advantage over their opponent so it will be interesting to see how they adapt against someone they can't ragdoll around quite as easily. In this match I will simply have to go with the wrestler that is on the longest hot streak. Since some early losses in the company Nyla Rose has adapted and turned herself into an unstoppable force, dominating everyone and becoming the first wrestler to pick up a singles win over the former champion Riho. I predict the streak will continue at Revolution and while Statlander may lose she will be better off long term for having faced someone with Rose's size and power.

Winner - Nyla


MagsOnSport - @MagsOnSport

I went for the champion because no one cares about the AEW women's division. Total combined time of about 40 minutes in the ring, none of which were of watchable standard. PASS.

Winner - Nyla


Gareth - @RHWGareth

Nyla Rose has just won the title and Statlander probably isn't ready for the title in terms of story and character, even though she's very impressive in ring. This is the perfect first test for Nyla but one she'll come through.

Winner - Nyla


Ryan Nietzey - @HitTheBooksPod - Hit the Books Podcast:

Weirdly enough, that stats present Kris Statlander as Queen Stat herself. She's a monster in the ring. But she's no Native Beast. Nyla Rose's first defense will be an incredible challenge for her that I believe will be the hoss battle of the night. Nyla Rose seemingly must dip her toes into the murky waters of cheating town, population Rose, to win this matchup. That analogy doesn't quite make sense but you see where I'm going with this. Expect Nyla Rose to cheat in this match to get the win and retain her title.

Winner - Nyla


Mickey - @MarksAnonymous - Marks Anonymous Podcast

Nyla will going over here she has the power, the in ring ability and determination.

Winner - Nyla


Dan - @DanSpursQuins

Nyla to win and win well. Statlander's momentum has gone recently.

Winner - Nyla


All Elite Kyle - @KylePrescott - AEW: All Elite Wrestling Discussion / AEW Official Discord / All Elite Hour Podcast

I'm really hoping there's some kind of interference in this match as I don't want Kris Statlander to lose clean here. I'm not too keen on this match happening simply because you don't need to give a loss to either of these two. Nyla just became champ an sit would be a travesty to take it off her this soon and I believe Kris losing clean here would hurt her momentum going in this match.

Winner - Nyla


BigShowEsq - @BigShowEsq - Mark Anonymous Podcast

For all the BS that came with Nyla title victory, it would seem odd to take it off her so quickly.

Winner - Nyla


Tim Morehouse - @TimmayMan

Nyla Rose is like watching Big Van Vader. Big and mean. Statlander has been having a great rookie season, but Rose is going to be champ for awhile.

Winner - Nyla


Dee - @aewinfo

Both ladies are very powerful in their offense. I think they're evenly match though Nyla has the weight advantage. I see Nyla getting the win due to her just being a more dominant force in the ring.

Winner - Nyla


Ryan Cooke - @WrestlCast_ssm - WrestleCast Radio

Great job keeping this 1v1. Statlander is awesome for being only a 3 year pro, but the title is now. You just had Rose win so taking it off her doesn't make sense. I'd assume she wins and moves into a short tv feud with Swole before setting up something for Double or Nothing. Not a ton to say, but Statlander could get something good out of Rose I think to make this enjoyable.

Winner - Nyla


Craig Leask - @PWMusings -

Interestingly, Kris Statlander is statistically superior to Nyla Rose. She is able to hit faster than Rose in almost all offensive categories. Even more interestingly, the 'Native Beast' takes more offence than she dishes out. This one has sprung up without a lot of build and is quite indicative of the women's division. Expect to see a terrific match from two excellent wrestlers. Where, again, the stats do in fact lie. Nyla Rose wins.

Winner - Nyla

Kris Statlander 0 - 12 Nyla Rose


PAC vs Orange Cassidy

Alex Regla - @AlexMRegla - Throwdowns

From an intrigue level, I want, correction: I need this match more than any other on the card. Orange Cassidy has arguably been used better than any other performer on AEW's roster since it's television debut. The brevity and humor he provides is balanced just enough that it succeeds every single time. But with that said, I can not wait to see the other side of Cassidy pop up in this contest. The guy can work, and the crowd are going to go bonkers when it happens. PAC obviously needs this win way more than Cassidy does, and a loss to a guy like PAC will not hurt him in the slightest. The result is all but expected, but literally everything else that will occur in this match is anyone's guess. And that is exciting as hell.

Winner - PAC


No one knows what to expect from Orange Cassidy, he really could be anything when he gets in the ring. That being the case I am going to have to go with the devil I do know, The Bastard, PAC. He is one of the great all rounders in the company, as the stats show there really isn't much he can't do in the ring: high flying, striking and grappling. Furthermore he isn't a man who suffers fools lightly so if Orange Cassidy wants to survive more than a few minutes he had better show his abilities and show them quickly.

Winner - PAC


MagsOnSport - @MagsOnSport

I like OC, I really do! But he's pissed the wrong Geordie. Pacs going to have fun with him even if OC is going to 'try'. It'll be a fun encounter but I think Cassidy goes from Orange to red to blue as he passes out in The Brutaliser.

Winner - PAC


Gareth - @RHWGareth

This will be the perfect mix of squash vs comedy wrestling. It shouldn't go too long and can give off some light-hearted relief which will be a nice break in the show. Then, I expect Pac to effectively kill Orange Cassidy. Perhaps forcing him "to try" as teased on AEW. But quickly and brutally conquered by The Bastard.

Winner - PAC


Ryan Nietzey - @HitTheBooksPod - Hit the Books Podcast:

In what is my honest to god potential MOTN, PAC vs. Orange is going to be amazing. Obviously, we can't discuss Orange's stats before the match, and it is tough not to 100% write him off in this match, but if you've ever watched Orange Cassidy vs. David Starr in Beyond Wrestling, then you know why this match can and will be amazing.

Winner - PAC


Dan - @DanSpursQuins

Depends if he tries.

Winner - PAC


All Elite Kyle - @KylePrescott - AEW: All Elite Wrestling Discussion / AEW Official Discord / All Elite Hour Podcast

I'm not really sure about this feud but I'm excited to see Orange Cassidy finally debut in single competition in AEW. I hope we get the Orange Cassidy that was in the David Starr match so he can shut the naysayers up who claim he can't wrestle. I think PAC is going to easily take this one though. Hopefully Orange will get some good shots in and look good but ultimately this should be an easy W for The Bastard.

Winner - PAC


Tim Morehouse - @TimmayMan

Orange Cassidy. An enigma, wrapped in a conundrum, shrouded in smoke. PAC may not have him figured out at first but once the Bastard takes control it's over.

Winner - PAC


Dee - @aewinfo

Maybe my #1 match I'm looking forward to! Pac is a wrestling machine and among the best in the world. Orange Cassidy is probably the most dangerous worker in the business. Not sure what to expect from Orange and whether he'll actually try or not. But I see Pac winning due to his superior technical ability and his willingness to cheat to win if necessary.

Winner - PAC


Ryan Cooke - @WrestlCast_ssm - WrestleCast Radio

While Cassidy can be fun, I dont know how I feel about this. Last Feb I watched PAC have a MotY candidate with Kzy in Dragon Gate. If he can win in under ten minutes I'll bite then.

Winner - PAC


Craig Leask - @PWMusings -

Pray for Cassidy. There will be some effort from Cassidy for sure and the crowd will get their moments to pop for. This will be very entertaining but PAC will spoil the party.

Winner - PAC

PAC 11 - 0 Orange Cassidy


SCU vs Dark Order

Another match that I think will come down the where the competitors are at mentally. Purely athletically S.C.U. should take this match home, in Frankie Kazarian and Chris Daniels they have experience, in-ring intelligence and technical skills and in Scorpio Sky they have athleticism and power that trump anything The Dark Order poses. However since mid way through their tag championship run S.C.U, have been completely lost as a team, unable to get on the same page in any fashion whatsoever. A good chunk of this disturbance has been caused by the meddling of The Dark Order too, to me it is clear Evil Uno has embedded himself in the minds of the former champs. Unless S.C.U. can very quickly paper over the cracks that are becoming evident in their team The Dark Order will reign over them at Revolution.

Winner - Dark Order


MagsOnSport - @MagsOnSport

Winner - Dark Order


Gareth - @RHWGareth

Two fairly even teams but with The Exalted One on the horizon I feel Dark Order need this more. So they'll probably get the win.

Winner - Dark Order


Ryan Nietzey - @HitTheBooksPod - Hit the Books Podcast:


Winner - Dark Order


Dan - @DanSpursQuins

Dark Order to win and also induct The Fallen Angel.

Winner - Dark Order


All Elite Kyle - @KylePrescott - AEW: All Elite Wrestling Discussion / AEW Official Discord / All Elite Hour Podcast

I'm hoping we get some sort of tease or something here to when we can expect The Exalted One to be revealed but I think Dark Order is going to go over SCU. Dark Order had a rocky start in AEW but now have become one of the best parts and the mystery of who's leading them has everyone interested now.

Winner - Dark Order


BigShowEsq - @BigShowEsq - Mark Anonymous Podcast

It seems like an ideal time for a certain someone to make their presence known, even if we aren’t exactly sure of their true identity.

Winner - Dark Order


Tim Morehouse - @TimmayMan

I just really want the Exhaled One to be Matt Hardy.

Winner - Dark Order


Dee - @aewinfo

Two great teams going head-to-head. Statistically, they seems to match up closely. Both teams have great chemistry and seem to be well-rounded in the ring. I think Dark Order will win this one.

Winner - Dark Order


Ryan Cooke - @WrestlCast_ssm - WrestleCast Radio

This one I'm sure will be ok in the ring, but I'm banking on it's nothing more than a angle to set up the leader of the Dark Order for Wednesday. If it's Hardy, he can legally show up. If not, you can ride that rumor train and pay it off Wednesday with Daniels or whoever else it could be.

Winner - Dark Order


Craig Leask - @PWMusings -

SCU have had a tough year and it could get tougher. The Dark Order are on a roll, hopefully it can lead somewhere special this time. The Dark Order are statistically superior in the ring in almost every category except for their complete disregard for bothering with something as time consuming as submission holds. Alongside this, they are the number 2 tag team in AEW on 2020 win/lose records, are literally building a cult and are in the heads of SCU. Join the Dark Order. Er... I mean Dark Order pick up the win. Join the Dark Order.

Winner - Dark Order

SCU 0 - 11 Dark Order


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